Feel better,
do more

Get instant relief with AI guided journaling. Create strong and healthy habits that will last. All using well-proven science-backed methods.

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Guided Journaling

Resolve whatever is bothering your mind

Get personal guidance while writing about matters important to your well-being. It's like having a therapist ask the right questions.

What's on your mind?

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and frustrated.

Can you identify specific situations or triggers that lead to these feelings?

I often find myself rushing through tasks without prioritizing, which leaves me feeling scattered.

How does this impact your overall sense of accomplishment? Are there patterns you notice?

It feels like I'm just busy without achieving meaningful goals, especially when I'm juggling too many tasks.

What strategies could help you slow down and focus on what truly matters? Consider small adjustments to your routine.

Creating a prioritized to-do list and taking short breaks might help me regain focus and clarity.

Single button to start resolving things

Dyfna is always there to provide a starting point for your journaling. It remembers your previous entries and suggests topics to write about based on them.

Reflect on your relation with your parents

Reflection on your sleep problems

Do more things in your life

Habit tracking is a great way to learn new habits. Studies show that it takes 21 days to form a habit. After that, it becomes a part of your life.

1h book read
1h walk
Drink 3l of water

Save habits for later

Sometimes it's not the right time to start tracking a habit. It might not be the right season or weather. Save it for later.

No alcohol during work week
Max 1h of social media per day
Breathing Excercises
Ride a bike to work

Don't feel boxed in

Be aware of your mood and feelings, understand what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Step onto the path to happiness.

Awful Great
Happy smile

See depression coming and be able to say NO

See anxiety coming and be able to say NO

See stress coming and be able to say NO

See panic coming and be able to say NO

See burnout coming and be able to say NO

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It's a part of people story

"Finally found an app that understands my mental health journey. The AI journaling feels like talking to a caring friend, and the mood tracking helps me see my progress clearly."

— Sarah

"The AI-guided journaling helped me solve problems I'd been stuck with for months. It asks the right questions and helps me see things from new perspectives. A real breakthrough tool."

— Tomek

"As someone dealing with depression, having an AI guide that's available 24/7 to help process my thoughts is invaluable. The mood patterns it helps me identify are eye-opening. I've been using it for a few months now and it's been a game changer."

— Michael

As you see we've created something different.
A way to be more productive while staying balanced .
Your privacy matters to us, and we're here for the long run.
No venture capital. No data selling. No hidden agenda.
Just a great app for you.

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